Flags Recognizer 1.1

Take a picture of a flag - and the app will determine the country


Ru | En

This app is a flags' recognizer.

Take a picture of a flag - and the program will determine the country!

Program algorithm allows to recognize even bad quality flags. It uses an artificial intelligence for taking the right decision. After recognition is done, the app determines the country whose flag is the most relevant to yours.

Working with the program is easy:

- Tap the blue button to take a picture of a flag,
- Expand the flag to the whole screen with 2 fingers,
- Rotate the flag strictly horizontally with 2 fingers,
- Move the curtains onto upper and lower edges of the flag,
- Press the red button to start recognizing.

The proccess takes nearly 5 seconds on iPhone 4S and iPad 2 and 10 seconds on iPhones 3GS and 4, and iPad.

Then the program takes you to Results page and shows the country-winner and 5 most relevant countries.

Country flags are located next to country names, so it's easy for you to verify the recognition results.

program in Appstore


(c) 2012 All rights reserved,
author Radislav